11 JULY 2022
Saving energy: a priority of today and tomorrow
Unionplast wants to contribute positively to the protection and safeguarding of the environment.
It’s no longer just an ethical choice but it’s a duty and it also represents an opportunity for development and competitive advantage.
We believe that taking care of the environment in all company activities is essential to create a workplace that reflects our mentality as for the employees as for the suppliers. In this way, we could allow sustainability, not only in terms of production and energy but also as a social ideal.
For these reasons, we have started different initiatives to minimize the environmental impact of our company production.
The first one is the construction of a photovoltaic system on a large part of the roof of our production plant; the system will be able to produce the 25% of energy we will need during the winter and the 40% we will need during the summer, with a self-production of 300,000 KW/h per year, saving 240 tons of CO2/year less in the atmosphere. We want to reach 70% of the total requirements in 5 years, covering also the roof of the last plant acquired.
Secondly, we have decided to use in our production mostly recycled raw materials, converting waste materials into products and practically eliminating 100% of waste, a process that allows us to be even more efficient and competitive.
In the last year, our plant has literally become greener. In fact, we have allocated 2.000 mt to the planting of 50 hornbeams and we are dreaming to realize, in the near future, even a small birch forest.
The commitment to sustainable development represents an important point in the company’s management strategy.
We have equipped ourselves with company cars with low CO2 emissions and with them we are racing towards a future that provides for a balance between business, environment, territory and ecology.